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Weed Control and Herbicides

Crabgrass Preventer

  • The strongest control of crabgrass, foxtail and spurge preventer available
  • Most Herbicides particles blanket the lawn to deliver an invisible barrier at the soil surface that prevents crabgrass from even getting started.
  • Selective control of sprouting annual broadleaf weeds
  • Contains the strongest crabgrass, foxtail and spurge preventer available
  • Pendimethalin creates a PREVENTATIVE barrier against crabgrass and other grassy weeds for up to 5 months!
  • Apply as the FIRST STEP in your Annual Lawn Care Program (February through April).
How to Apply
  • Apply uniformly to dry foliage at the light rate according to package instructions.
  • For control of cudweed, hop clover, evening primrose and henbit on warm season grasses and tall fescue, apply at the heavy rate.
  • For best results, water after application to remove granules from lawn foliage and to move product to the soil surface. This maximizes product safety and efficacy.
  • For areas with moss problems, such as the Pacific Northwest, Halts can be applied in the fall to keep moss from growing.

When to Apply

Apply in early spring before weeds sprout (before temperatures are regularly in the 80's). To prevent germination of Poa annua and chickweed, apply in August or September. For best results, apply in early spring before crabgrass and other grassy weeds begin to sprout.

Where to Use

For use on established Bermudagrass (non-overseeded), St. Augustinegrass, centipedegrass, bahiagrass, zoysiagrass, tall fescue, fine fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass and blends of these grasses.

Where Not to Use

Not for use on dichondra and bentgrass lawns. Do not use on newly seeded areas until after grass has been mowed four times.


Do not destroy the chemical barrier by raking or aerifying after application.

This product can cause staining. Sweep and/or rinse product from driveways and sidewalks and clean shoes after application before entering the house